Dia de la Abby: #69 Skull of Seasons

I've been working on this Skull of Seasons painting all week. I finished it late last night, to the relief of my back. These four canvases represent our four seasons. From top left clockwise...Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. I chose Maymont in Richmond, VA as my inspiration. They have a large koi pond with a seaweed like grass and beautiful foliage. I used acrylic paint on four 8"x8" square canvases. I decided to do a tetraptych, vs. one large canvas, because I'm fascinated by hinged or multi-panel artwork. Making this painting was a challenge because I'm still a novice in painting...though great at other artforms. There was a lot of trial and error making each element the way I envisioned it. The easiest was the plants, because that is the only thing I've had the most practice in painting. Overall, I'm very pleased with the outcome.


  1. Fun name! Very well done. Makes one realize that the seasons continue even after we have returned to the earth. Beautiful use of complimentary colors!

  2. Thank you! Yep, the earth keeps turning even if after we aren't able to enjoy it. I'm glad you like the colors. I was afraid that the snow panel would look out of balance from the rest, because it's not as colorful.


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