DIA DE LOS MUERTOS: El Catrin Makeup

For Dia de los Muertos, some of the women, men, and children dress up in skeleton or skull (calavera) costumes. The men are called El Catrin and the women La Catrina. I normally only focus on women's makeup, but decided this year to make a special post for the men. That being said, any of these looks could be used for women and children too. You might want to alter a few elements keeping each person's face shape in mind.

These are all video tutorials, which I have embedded into this post. If you are an email subscriber, and can only see the video links, click the blog post title. You will be sent to my blog and will see the embedded videos as I intended you to. And with that said, let's journey forward. I've split these into sugar and anatomical skulls. You don't have to copy the looks exactly. Use them as inspiration and add your own artistic elements.


Slasher Paint - Glitter Skull

