HOLIDAY DIY: Rainbow Fabric Snowflakes

These Rainbow Fabric Snowflakes are a little late for Christmas, but we're in the middle of Winter and still need seasonal decor. We're going with that today, because my nice camera hates me. Fairfield World sent me their new Interlinings to test out and play around with. One of them is Stick, which is a fusible webbing that can be used to adhere fabrics together, meant for mostly appliques. I wanted to create something intricate with Stick to test how well it bonded with fabric. Since it's Winter, I chose snowflakes. I painted the snowflakes a rainbow of colors to match my colorful Christmas decorations. You could choose any colors and design you want, and even embellish them more.

CRAFT LEVEL: Intermediate - Cutting through the layers of fabric can be tricky

TIME: About 20-40 minutes per snowflake

  • Fairfield World Stick Interfacing
  • White on white printed cotton - Mine has a snowflake print. I used less than half a yard.
  • Iron
  • Ironing board
  • Small sharp scissors
  • Large scissors
  • Clear quilt ruler
  • Pencil
  • Acrylic paint
  • Soft small paint brushes
  • Paper plate
  • Ribbon
  • White thread
  • Hand sewing needle


1) Cut the fabric into 6" x 6" squares. You need two squares per snowflake

2) Cut the Stick Interlining into squares slightly smaller than 6" x 6".

3) Sandwich one square of Stick in between two squares of fabric. Make sure the print is facing outwards on both squares.

4) With the iron on cotton, press the fabric and Stick sandwich together. Repeat for each fabric and Stick sandwich. To check if it's completely bonded, try peeling the fabrics from each other. If they can peel away, you need to iron it some more.

5) Fold a square in half, so all the sides match up. For a 6 pointed star, you can fold it again in 3rd. For an 8 pointed star, fold it in half again, making a folded square. Fold the bottom folded edge up to meet the side folded edge, forming a triangle. Press firmly with your hand and release.

6) I cut the snowflake designs like I do for paper, but more simple. You can make 6 or 8 point designs. I made up the designs as I went, cutting through one double layered fold at a time. Any fold thicker than that will be difficult to cut.

7) Open the snowflakes up. Iron them all flat.

8) Work on a piece of wax paper. Pour your acrylic paint colors onto your plate. Add a little water to each paint color, to make them thinner. Using a small paint brush, paint your snowflakes. I followed the shapes I'd cut. You can paint them one or more colors. When you paint is thin enough, you will notice that the white print acts as a resist and you get a batik like effect. Lay the wet snowflakes to dry on a clean piece of wax paper. After they are dry, paint the other sides. Let fully dry.

If you use thin enough paint, you should get this batik effect from the white print on white fabric. The print will still color, but will be brighter than the rest of the painted fabric.

OPTIONAL: For added dimension, you can add details to one side with dimensional paints. If you want your snowflakes to stay white, you can stiffen them with thinned glue. You can top coat the snowflakes with shimmery acrylic paint, for a glittery effect. Let the snowflakes dry completely before hanging.

9) The snowflakes are now stiff enough to hang. You can add ribbon loops to each one for ornaments. Use a long ribbon to connect all the snowflakes for a banner. Sew the ends together for ornaments. Make loops at the long ribbon ends for easy banner hanging.

That's it for this tutorial. If you have older kids, this is something they can do, as you need sharp scissors. You could make this a family activity with younger kids painting the fabric snowflakes. This would also be great for any scout troop as nice gifts (think nursing homes!), craft groups, parent groups, or just something to do while watching TV or watching kids play sports.

DISCLOSURE: Fairfield World sent me the Stick Interlining, as part of being on their Master Makers design team. I purchased all the other supplies. The project instructions, photographs, and content are my own.
